Accelerate business growth through custom software solutions

Maximize ROI with
Nolimix Growth Agency

Focus on Your Core Business - Entrust us with crafting tailor-made software solutions for your unique needs.

Say goodbye to aimless meetings and distractions. We manage the entire process, from problem analysing and design to testing, learning, and development. Your time is precious, provide direction, and we'll take care of the rest.

Services for
Unbeatable Results

Our core services tailored to meet your unique needs and propel your success.

Full-cycle Development

Transforming a concept into a fully operational solution, from ideation to implementation

Supervised by a dedicated project manager

Exclusive team of skilled engineers

Weekly progress updates

All-inclusive for seamless production

Pay-per-milestone for result-driven investment

Extended team model

Your project is ongoing, and now it's time to strengthen your team with skilled professionals.

Specify the type of engineer you require, and we'll find the perfect match for your needs

Seamless integration of professionals into your team.

Flexibility to scale the team based on project demands

Flexible adaptation to project pace and working agreements.

Experiment, Win, Repeat

Increase Revenue in Four Steps

Say goodbye to guesswork. From in-depth analytics to expert design and development our team will collaborate with you as an extension of your company.

Research analyze and plan

Detect Conversion Barriers

First, we detect the roadblocks preventing the visitors from converting. Our research and predictive analytics pinpoint the most promising areas for optimization all along the sales funnel.

Understand Who Your Customers Are

Gain a deep understanding of your visitors and their motivations. We use a combination of interviews, analytics, session mapping, and polling to identify the gaps, objections, and ambiguities affecting conversions.

Unique Conversion Roadmap for You

With a clear understanding of who the audience is and what's holding you back, we'll create a roadmap to turning them into customers. This plan will outline our hypothesis, priorities, and testing goals.

Wireframing, Copywriting & Designing

Maximized ROI with Effective Copywriting & UX

Copywriting and UX go hand-in-hand. We use psychological principles to tell the story and ensure your values and products are ideally CTA-framed to deliver the best results.

Top-Notch Design for All Devices

Our UI design looks great on all devices. Our approach ensures each design meets brand specifications and is pixel-perfect. Depending on your traffic type, we design mobile-first or mobile-responsive.


Rapid Development & QA

Develop new pages on the fly, test, and iterate quickly without impacting your engineering team. Strict QA specialists review the test, ensuring it matches the approved design. We focus on core technologies (React, Shopify, WordPress, Webflow, and more).

Winning Test Implementation

Once when test wins, we can either implement it on your platform or provide detailed instructions on how to implement the test.

Test Insights & Strategy

Learning by Experimenting

Analyze user behavior across multiple versions to generate fresh test ideas. Our test instrumentation goes beyond simple conversions, measuring down-funnel metrics that have a real impact on your business.

Capture Insights and Continuously Improve

Regularly evaluate the performance and make necessary updates to achieve increased revenue. Continuously test and optimize the key pages to drive growth and improvement, capturing insights and documenting them for use by your teams.

Get a free, actionable Project audit

Schedule a free 30-minute call with our experts to discuss conversion lift opportunities.

Ask any questions about Project strategy and implementation

We’ll identify your key project problems

Based on the call learnings, we will deliver solution proposal within one week

Mihajlo Stankovic

Mihajlo Stankovic